CORONA UNMASKED: Chinese Intelligence Officer Reveals True Magnitude of China’s Fake Coronavirus Crisis – 包含中文字符版本

CORONA UNMASKED: Chinese Intelligence Officer Reveals True Magnitude Of China’s Fake “Coronavirus” Crisis

Posted on   CORONA UNMASKED: Chinese Intelligence Officer Reveals True Magnitude of China’s Fake “Coronavirus” Crisis

Image result for chinese military intelligence officer ~ ROBERT MORNINGSTAR


Chinese Intelligence Officer Reveals True Magnitude of China’s Fake “Coronavirus” Crisis

By  Pen Name U  u/WuhanvirusDispersal

Edited by  明亮晨星


I am a senior Chinese military intelligence officer and I know the truth about the “coronavirus” outbreak.  It is far worse than the media are telling you.

I am a Chinese citizen in Wuhan who occupies — or perhaps occupied — a high-ranking position in military intelligence.  I am also a member of the Chinese Communist Party. As a senior official near the top of the Party, I have access to a great deal of classified information and I have been involved in many top secret government projects.  I have a doctorate from a leading university in a western country, which is why I am able to write my account in English.

I have information that I believe could lead to the overthrow of my government.  It is also relevant to billions of people outside of China, all of whom are now in existential peril.

It will not surprise you to hear that if my identity were to be revealed, my life would be in grave danger, as would those of my wife and son.  I ask you to respect the fact that I have stripped out of this account all facts that would make it easy to identify me.

By now you will be familiar with the recent outbreak of 2019-nCoV, also known as NCP, or simply “coronavirus”. You will have heard that it originated in Wuhan, an industrial city in China, and that it came from an animal — most likely a bat or a pangolin — that was sold in a wild animal market.  You will have been told that it is an influenza-like illness that can in severe cases cause pneumonia, respiratory failure and death.

Finally, you may have heard that although the disease is highly infectious, it is dangerous only to the elderly or to those who have a compromised immune system.  The official lethality rate is approximately  2% or so.

All of that is a bunch of lies concocted by the Chinese state with the tacit support of the U.S. deep state and its friends in the European Union, Russia and Australia, and spread by the docile media in all of those countries.

Let me start by telling you that the world does not operate the way you think it does. Although countries like the US and China vie for global dominance, that competition is restricted to certain limited areas.

In most ways, the two countries are more interested in cooperation so that they can stop other competing countries from gaining more power.  They also have a shared interest in keeping real power out of the hands of their “ordinary” citizens. To this end, they have many different mechanisms by which they control the overwhelming majority of their media outlets.  The Americans in particular have perfected the art of creating made-up “divisions” between their two main parties which are designed to hide the fact that both serve the same masters.

These same nations also posses technology that is far more advanced than you can imagine and which is kept carefully hidden from public view.  This includes advanced artificial intelligence capable of undermining and deciding any election in the world; biological and chemical agents that can manipulate and control the thinking patterns and behaviours of citizens to terrifying degrees; highly sophisticated manipulation techniques using hypnotic practices entirely unknown to the public; and other things that I will not go into now.


My point is that the great nations do not compete so much as work together. Their principal goal is to shield the true workings of the world from the “uninitiated” public.

Just to give you one example, there aren’t actually any nuclear weapons anywhere in the world.  The U.S. and the Soviet Union scrapped them all in the 1970s, as did their client states.  Everyone realized that those weapons could not be used without destroying the whole world, so there was no need for them; but by pretending that they still had them, the big players were able to keep the non-nuclear powers in line.

Let me return to the virus.

Last year, large-scale anti-government protests erupted in Hong Kong.

The Standing Committee of the Chinese Communist Party considered these to be a grave threat to the integrity and stability of the motherland.  The U.S. government and the EU both knew that the Chinese were secretly working on a biological agent that was supposed to make the protesters docile and obedient.  Without going into detail, I worked on that project.  We tried to develop a sort of spray that could be dispersed from helicopters or drones and that would lead to mental retardation and behavioural change.

Naturally, as Hong Kong is one of the most open and international cities in the world, the Party decided that it was too risky to release the agent in Hong Kong without first testing it.  For this, it needed a great number of human guinea pigs. Two groups were identified for this.

First, we rounded up a large number of so-called “islamic radicals” in Xinjiang Province and took them to what we called “training camps.”

We had already been using these camps for human experimentation for several years, but the Hong Kong protests meant that we redoubled our efforts.  We exposed the inmates to various “alpha” experimental agents.  As these were odourless and invisible, the subjects were not aware that they were taking part in medical trials.

Image result for uighurs in china

Escape from Xinjiang:  Muslim Uighurs Speak of China Persecution

The resulting high rates of cancer, premature dementia, suicidal depression and death by organ failure could easily be suppressed, as the camps are located in very remote parts of our motherland.

Once the initial experiments had yielded a “beta” agent, it was transported to Hubei Province, where it was deployed in a special military testing facility outside the city of Wuhan.  This was not even a particularly well-kept secret: the existence of this facility has been reported in international news.  Even the fact that it is located close to the wild animal market is a known fact.

By then our President had already introduced a “social credit” system that allowed us to identify disloyal, counter-revolutionary and bourgeois elements in our society.  Using the social credit scores — which are taken from online activity, electronic shopping behaviour and reports from informers in civil society — we selected some of the worst offenders.  These included human rights lawyers and activists, Christians, homosexuals, artists, intellectuals, people who speak foreign languages, and other undesirables.

Once these troublemakers had been collected and placed in the testing facility, we exposed them to the Agent, which is biochemical in nature and spread in an invisible aerosol, akin to certain viruses.  Initial results were encouraging, as we saw significant cognitive decline and reduction in higher mental processing facilities.  Essentially, our undesirables were becoming mildly mentally disabled, which is precisely the effect we wanted to produce in order to pacify the restive population of Hong Kong.

Image result for hong kong riots

Unfortunately, it quickly became apparent that the Agent also had other effects. About one week after the retardation set in, our subjects developed major anxiety and panic attacks.  Eventually they developed symptoms akin to those of paranoid schizophrenics.  At that point, their bodies rapidly deteriorated.  They developed massive internal bleeding; the walls of their arteries dissolved; they bled out of their eyes and orifices, and their tissue disintegrated.

To put it in a more direct Western manner, they started to melt.

Death usually occurred through multiple organ failure.  This was preceded by at least five days of severe agony which could not be alleviated by painkillers.  It was at this time that I first violated our protocol: one subject, an elderly lady who had published defamatory cartoons of our President, begged me for death with such insistence that I took pity and shot her.  I was reprimanded, but fortunately the complaint was dropped when I agreed to reimburse the cost of the bullet. I swore to myself never again to show such unnecessary emotion.

We decided that our Agent was unusable.  It was far too destructive for our purposes.  We wanted the population of Hong Kong to submit to us; we did not want to exterminate it.

Image result for hong kong riots

Naturally, our American friends had by then taken an interest in our work and asked us for a sample for their own research and testing purposes.  They hinted that they wished to use it to resolve certain difficulties in Venezuela.  Normally we would have agreed, as we maintain friendly relations with the CIA, but given the extremely toxic nature of the Agent, we declined.

This, as it turned out, was a grave mistake.  The CIA was convinced that we had developed something very powerful and wanted to keep it to ourselves.  They offered a great deal of money to one of our researchers.

Foolishly, he agreed to sell them a specimen.  We found out just in time for the handover and tried to stop it from happening.  In the ensuing shoot-out — don’t bother to look for it in the news, it was never reported anywhere — several dozen people were killed.

More importantly, however, the Agent escaped!

The shoot-out took place at the wild animal market, which has been reported as the location of the “animal-to-human” transmission that started the outbreak.  But, of course, there was no such transmission; it was just the location where the CIA was supposed to receive the sealed vial containing the Agent.  The vial shattered when it was dropped by the traitor who had agreed to sell it to the Americans.

By now I understand you will be sceptical.  If I really am who I say I am, why would I be sharing this information on the internet?

Let me assure you that I am no friend of the Western system of governance. I love my motherland and I am loyal to the Communist Party.  It has lifted hundreds of millions of my compatriots out of squalor and poverty.  However, I am also a human being and I have a conscience.

Most importantly, I have a wife and a son.

Once we realised that the Agent had escaped and would start to spread, we swiftly put all of Wuhan into lockdown. I was one of those tasked to manage the fallout of the contamination.

Of course, we could not keep such a huge undertaking secret, so we decided to order our state media to report that a “coronavirus” had broken out in Wuhan.

In reality, of course, there is no “coronavirus”. It was all made up.

It was one of my colleagues who came up with the genius idea of pretending that people with the common flu suffered from the coronavirus. This allowed us to hide the true nature of the disease. Let me explain.

It is currently flu season in China. When we realised that we could no longer control the spread of the Agent, we sent our men to all the hospitals and instructed all doctors to diagnose every case of the common flu as “coronavirus”. We came up with a new name — 2019-nCoV — and handed out “factsheets” that described a made-up illness.

The result of this decision was that tens of thousands of individuals who were simply suffering from a cold or flu were now diagnosed as having a mysterious coronavirus that, although infectious, was not often lethal.  While this frightened the public, it allowed us to push the narrative that the disease was not that deadly; it also gave us time to prepare for the catastrophe that was sure to come by imposing a lockdown on Wuhan and other cities in Hubei Province.

You have not heard this in the news — and given the size of Wuhan, with its population of 11 million, it is not known even to many of the residents — but within days thousands upon thousands were infected and before long they suffered the agonising deaths that I have already described.

Within a week, there were so many corpses that we did not know what to do with them, so we ordered the surviving social credit prisoners to drive the bodies into the countryside and bury them in mass graves.

But it was very difficult to keep this activity secret, and we could not even keep up as there were so many corpses.People’s Daily, China


Full-front disinfection work has started in #Wuhan, an effort to contain the spread of #coronavirus

Embedded video

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We planted a story that five million residents had “fled” Wuhan.  In reality, of course, many of those people had died from the Agent.

I was working around the clock helping to orchestrate this cover-up.  When I think back to my actions now, I feel great shame.  At the time I still believed that I was fighting for my motherland and that the rule of the Party was right and just. But deep down, I had already begun to have doubts.

My faith in the Party was shaken even more deeply when I learnt what had happened to Dr Li Wenliang.

Li Wenliang: Doctor who warned about coronavirus outbreak dies after being infected by virus

Whistleblower who was confronted by police becomes latest victim of deadly outbreak

Dr Li Wenliang was one of the few doctors who refused falsely to diagnose flu patients with the “coronavirus”.  As a punishment, he was sent to help transport dead bodies to mass graves.  The expectation was that he would be infected with the Agent and die an agonising death, but to our great surprise, he did not contract the illness.

You have of course read that he died of “coronavirus.”  You have been misinformed.  A sergeant of the People’s Armed Police injected him with a mixture of heroin and mercury that caused his lungs to deflate.

When I found out about this I became unsure whether or not I was doing the right thing.  While I believe that it is appropriate for a government to rule with a severe hand, I do not think that it was right to kill Dr Li.  He was a compassionate and kind man and he cared about his patients; how can our motherland not benefit from having such a doctor?

I shared my concerns with my wife, but she convinced me that I should not say anything to my superiors.  She said that it was too dangerous; that they valued loyalty above everything else; and that I would only find trouble if I admitted to my doubts about their practices.  She also pointed out that we benefited from priority medical treatment.  As senior officials, we received regular supplies of the highly-sophisticated hazmat masks that are the only known technology that can prevent infection.   She implored me to think of our son, who is still small.  If I spoke out and were caught, our lives would be at risk.

Around the same time, it became clear that the Agent was entirely beyond our control.  It was spreading like wildfire throughout Hubei Province and beyond, infecting tens of millions and causing them all to die.

I understand that what I just said is difficult to believe, because you have been told that there have been only about 50,000 infections, and far fewer deaths.

But these are the influenza infections that have been falsely passed off as the non-existent “coronavirus.”  The Agent is far, far more contagious than that, and its fatality rate, unlike the “coronavirus”, is not 2%.

No, its fatality rate is 100%.  Nobody recovers from it.  Everybody who contracts it dies.

And a lot of people are contracting it.

Hubei Province lies in ruins. The various travel restrictions and lockdowns that have been imposed were not created to stop the spread of the Agent — none of them can stop it, not embargoes, not face masks or hand sanitiser — but to stop the survivors from seeing the catastrophe with their own eyes.

                                                                                                                                                      Drones are being used to heard people toward -containment centers.

I am part of the greatest cover-up in human history: the hiding of the deaths of tens of millions. Very soon, Hubei Province will be no more than a giant mortuary, and the truth will come out.

For me, the turning point came when the Party told yet another lie, and that lie was too dreadful even for me to accept.

You may have heard that China built a new hospital, called Huoshenshan Hospital, in Wuhan, in order to provide additional quarantine and isolation facilities for infected patients.  You may have heard that they built it in only ten days.

That too is a lie.

Sure, they did build something in six days.  But it was not a “hospital. ”  The true nature of the building was considered “top secret.”

Initially, I was naive enough to believe that the Party was demonstrating its compassion and care for the people.  But then my superiors sent me to Huoshenshan.

I was shown around the installation by a military police officer called Corporal Meng (this is not his real name).  It was there that I saw the truth.

As I have mentioned, the only way to protect oneself from the Agent is by wearing a special protective mask that is entirely unlike those available commercially. Even medical professionals do not have access to it.  It is available only to biomedical warfare researchers and it contains extremely advanced technology.

These masks need to be kept at a particular temperature to offer full protection, and lose their effectiveness very quickly.  As I have also already said, one of the benefits of my position was that both my family and I had access to regular supplies, which is why were safe when compared to civilians, doctors and even lower-level government officials, all of whom wore utterly ineffective surgical masks in the misguided belief that they would protect them.

And so, wearing this special equipment, I went to Huoshenshan with Corporal Meng.

Whatever you want to call that place, it is not a hospital.

Sure, the entrance looks like a hospital and in the ward at the front of the complex, there are what appear to be normal medical beds.  There, thousands of infected patients lie, all of them in the early stages of the disease.  I walked along those long, white corridors next to Corporal Meng, his angular face dispassionate in his military fatigues, and saw hundreds upon hundreds of identical hospital beds on which squirmed the terrified and diseased inhabitants of Wuhan.  Their cries and pleas haunt me in the long nights in which I now am unable to sleep.

But this was merely the beginning.  Eventually the Corporal took me to the rear of this front section.  There, locked metal gates led to what he called the “middle section”.  The patients in the front are unaware of its existence.  It is there that the more advanced cases are kept, in what most closely resembles a mental asylum.

Immediately upon entering this part of Huoshenshan, I was struck by the dim lighting and stench of vomit and human waste.  Here the unfortunates roamed freely, their minds gradually disintegrating in endless panic attacks and psychotic episodes.  Here too there were no more doctors, merely gorilla-faced men in black uniforms who belonged to some secret branch of the military police I had never heard of.

They appeared to have been selected for their cruelty, for they beat and degraded the patients in the most sadistic manner.  Many of the inmates had regressed to childlike states and lay on the floor weeping like infants and begging for compassion that they did not receive.

There was cruel pleasure in the eyes of these thugs as they brutalised the unfortunates.  They beat them with batons, sprayed pepper spray into their eyes and kicked them with their steel-capped boots.  As I was from military intelligence, the guards did not even attempt to hide their activities.  They even invited me to join; in every way, they treated me as one of them.

Yes, one of them.  I stood in the grey staff bathroom of Huoshenshan and looked into a cheap mirror and asked myself — is this really what you are? Are you really like them?

But the violence was not merely an expression of sadism, for the poor inmates were not there to be cared for.

They were there to work.

There was one more set of doors, and beyond them lay what the Corporal called the “Core.”  And it was there that I saw it — piles and piles of dead bodies, stacked on top of one another all the way to the ceiling.  There were men, women and children, elderlies and toddlers, rich and poor, beautiful and misshapen, proud and humble.

They were all of them dead.  Our Agent made no distinction between any of them.

I gasped when the Corporal led me to the Core.  I cannot count how many there were, but it was many, many thousands.  And in the midst of the piles of corpses was a kind of path, and I heard a roaring sound in the distance.  The miserable patients from the middle section picked up the dead and carried and dragged them away into the dark, even as the guards beat them with truncheons.

It took me a little while before I grasped what was happening.  I simply could not believe what lay at the end of that path in the Core.

It was an enormous furnace, with great fires roaring within.

One by one, their minds destroyed and their bodies twisted, the dying men and women carried the corpses to the furnace and cast them inside in a doomed attempt to hide the dreadful truth.  I saw several of them collapse from exhaustion only for their lifeless bodies to be added to the mountains of corpses on both sides.  In a seemingly endless line they went, their emaciated bodies clad in grey overalls, their backs bent under the weight of their dreadful cargo.  Many howled and groaned in terror and their voices joined in a sorrowful cacophony that lingered over the roar of the fires.

In deep shock, I stared at the boundless horror before me.  Beside me stood Corporal Meng, his freshly-shaved face as emotionless as before.  When I turned to face him, he looked at me.  His mouth smiled, but his eyes did not.

“We use the energy to operate Huoshenshan,” he said. “We save the state considerable resources in this way.  And look,” — he waved at the gallery of the dead — “there are so many of them here.  You could almost describe it as renewable energy.”  He laughed and waved his hand in a strangely camp gesture.

I stood speechless and stared at the infernal scenes before me.  Men in black uniforms screamed like daemons at the wretches who were disposing of the corpses for them.  They stripped the dead of anything that had value — jewellery, cash, expensive clothing — and tossed these items onto an enormous pile next to the furnace.  When I asked the Corporal what would be done with the items, they said that they would be used to pay for the “healthcare expenses” incurred by the patients’ stay in Huoshenshan.

I vomited in the toilet.  When I flushed and came out of the stall, Corporal Meng stood by the door and looked at me.  His face was as blank as before, but in his eyes I thought I registered a very faint trace of contempt.  You are ten years my senior, the look said, but you are soft.

I thanked him for his service and went home.

When I arrived, I saw that I had received hundreds of updates on the encrypted device the Party uses to communicate to insiders.  The news were unimaginably grim.  The State Legal and Economic Commission had allocated funds for the construction of dozens of facilities like Huoshenshan all throughout China.

The Agent had spread not only to every single province of the motherland, but to most other nations in the world. Fortunately, we had agreements in place with other governments — they agreed to pretend that the infections were due to a coronavirus.  They were just as worried as we were that a panic might break out in their countries.  The Americans, in particular, were terrified that the S&P 500 might decline.  This, they said, would be unacceptable in an election year, so we could count on their full support.

Of course the World Health Organisation also helped us.  For a long time, the only issue with the WHO has been that we have been locked in a contest with the Americans about who bribes them more.  They released all sorts of sophisticated misinformation about having decoded the DNA of the so-called coronavirus.  All this has allowed us to stave off a global panic.

For now.

Yet the situation was worsening with astonishing speed.  I am reluctant to reveal too much on this point, as it would make it too easy for my enemies to identify me, but we quickly began to implement measures to protect our most senior leaders.  If you look at the world news, you will see that Xi Jinping, our President, disappeared for approximately one week after the outbreak, before being seen again with the leader of Cambodia.

You should know that the person who met the Cambodian leader was not President Xi.  It was a body double who had, for many years, been trained to look and sound just like our President.  President Xi is of course not careless enough to risk his own death.  He is safely ensconced in a secret bunker underneath Zhongnanhai, the headquarters of the Party in Beijing.

Nor was he the only leader who is in hiding.  In fact, I can assure you that over half of all senior Party members are currently being imitated by trained actors who are following instructions given to them via special implants.

Do you really think that our Prime Minister would risk his life by going to Wuhan?

All of this means that our government has become utterly paralysed and the functions of the state have been taken over by the military.

It became clear to me that our efforts were pointless.  Yes, the lockdowns, travel bans and targeted assassinations of rebellious journalists allowed us to hide the true situation in Wuhan; but I knew that this would not last.

Once the mass deaths begin in the rest of the world — in our estimation, this should happen within the next week or so — everyone will know the truth.  It will become clear that we cannot protect ourselves from the Agent.

Surgical masks, hand sanitiser, gloves — nothing can stop it.  Nothing except the special hazmat masks, but those cannot be produced in anything like sufficient quantities.  You, an ordinary person, will never even receive one, let alone a sufficient number to see you through the coming holocaust.

For those of you reading this, therefore, all I can suggest is that you keep your loved ones close to you.  Hug them, tell them what they mean to you.  Enjoy the time you have left with them.  It is not typical in Chinese culture to express one’s feelings in this way, but I have learnt the importance of such gestures.

I promised my wife that I would show this document to her before I posted it.

Yet I broke my word.

I hear her weep in loud, hoarse sobs in the bedroom, and the keyboard of my laptop is wet with my own tears.  Not long ago, we received results of the regular tests that are part of our “priority medical treatment”, and we learnt that my son had been infected with the Agent.

The military police that has supplied me with the special protective mask had been giving expired and ineffective masks to my son, masks that senior officials had already worn and then discarded when they ceased to protect them.   My own masks, on the other hand, had always been of the necessary quality.

I suppose they decided that my son was of lower priority than me. I suppose my son could not help them with their cover-up.

We had long ago decided that we would be different — we would be honest with him, always.  And so when he asked us, we told him the truth. We told him that he was very sick.  He asked more, and we told him he would not get better.

He continued asking, and we told him that he would die.  He is very small, but he was old enough to understand.

His terrified wails will haunt me for the rest of my miserable days in this world.

Let them come.  Let them do with me as they will. I no longer care.




Editor’s Postscript

Here is the True Face of Communism.

The videolinked below shows scenes from Wuhan, China, and graphically supports all the assertions made by the anonymous Chinese Military Intelligence Officer presented above.

The viewer should “Cut to the chase” at the 54 minute Time Mark to see what’s really going on in Red China, emphasis on “Red” as in “bloody China.”These scenes show the ruthlessness of the Chinese Police conducting forced detainment of people suspected of having the Corona Flu.enforcing. Even pets are being thrown out of windows on rumors that pets are spreading the disease (not true).This video also shows clear evidence of intentional contamination and spreading of disease as seen in the elevator with Chinese operatives spitting on tissue and smearing it on elevator buttons, as well as, people spitting in food containers and into food service centers.The following video images reveal the real face of Chinese Communism, which has become today the worst “Death Cult” ever known in the long history of Mankind.





Go to the 54 minute Time Mark to get a glimpse of

“Hell on Earth”–90EKIMbT0dN3WmXVWSLPRe24qwVgIK369u4tE0O63AdyjOczfPk

A Harvard Professor, The DOD & NIH, A Chinese Spy, 21 Stolen Vials Of “Biological Research”, & Nanoscience

Here are some dots in desperate need of connecting, even if the DOJ says it’s all “separate”. Oh yeah, and they tie into the Wuhan University of Technology…

From the DOJ:

Harvard University Professor and Two Chinese Nationals Charged in Three Separate China Related Cases
The Department of Justice announced today that the Chair of Harvard University’s Chemistry and Chemical Biology Department and two Chinese nationals have been charged in connection with aiding the People’s Republic of China.

Dr. Charles Lieber, 60, Chair of the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology at Harvard University, was arrested this morning and charged by criminal complaint with one count of making a materially false, fictitious and fraudulent statement. Lieber will appear this afternoon before Magistrate Judge Marianne B. Bowler in federal court in Boston, Massachusetts.

Yanqing Ye, 29, a Chinese national, was charged in an indictment today with one count each of visa fraud, making false statements, acting as an agent of a foreign government and conspiracy. Ye is currently in China.

Zaosong Zheng, 30, a Chinese national, was arrested on Dec. 10, 2019, at Boston’s Logan International Airport and charged by criminal complaint with attempting to smuggle 21 vials of biological research to China. On Jan. 21, 2020, Zheng was indicted on one count of smuggling goods from the United States and one count of making false, fictitious or fraudulent statements. He has been detained since Dec. 30, 2019. CHARACTER VERSIONOF“CORONA-UnMasked”


Edited byRobert D. Morningstar


Image result for chinese military intelligence officer



u / Wuhanvirusthrowaway




我是中国军事情报高级官员,我知道“冠状病毒”爆发的真相。 这比媒体告诉你的要糟糕得多。我是武汉的中国公民, 在军事情报领域担任高级职位。我也是中国共产党的成员。作为接近党的最高层的高级 官员,我可以获得大量的机密信息,并且参与了许多最高机密的政府项目。 我拥有西方国家一流大学的博士学位,这就是为什么

我能够用英语写我的帐户的原因。 我掌握的信息可能会导致我的政府被推翻。这也与中国境外数十亿人息息相关, 他们现在都面临着生存的危险。 听到我的身份被揭露,我的生命和我妻子和儿子的生命将面临极大的危险, 这不会让你感到惊讶。我要求您尊重我已经从该帐户中删除所有易于识别我的事实。 到目前为止,您将熟悉最近爆发的2019-nCoV(也称为NCP)或简称为“冠状病毒”。 您会听说它起源于中国的工业城市武汉,并且来自一种在野生动物市场上出售的动物 -最有可能是蝙蝠或穿山甲。 您会被告知这是一种类似于流感的疾病,在严重的情况下会导致肺炎,呼吸衰竭和死亡。 最后,您可能已经听说,尽管该疾病具有很高的传染性,但仅对老年人或免疫系统受损 的人才有危险。官方的致死率约为2%左右。 所有这些都是中国国家在美国深层国家及其在欧盟,俄罗斯和澳大利亚的朋友的默契支 持下炮制的一堆谎言,并由温顺的媒体在所有这些国家传播。


比赛仅限于某些特定区域。在大多数方面,两国对合作更感兴趣,因此它们可以阻止其 他竞争国家获得更大的权力。他们也有共同的利益,就是将真正的权力掌握在“普通”公 民的手中。为此,他们拥有许多不同的机制来控制绝大多数媒体。尤其是美国人, 已经完善了在两个主要政党之间建立人为“分工”的艺术,这是为了掩盖双方都担任同 一大师的事实。 这些国家/地区还拥有比您想像的要先进得多的技术, 并且应谨慎地将其隐藏在公众视野之外。 这包括能够破坏和决定世界上任何选举的先进人工智能; 可以操纵和控制公民思维方式和行为的恐怖程度的生物和化学制剂; 使用完全不为公众所知的催眠方法的高度复杂的操纵技术; 和其他我现在不会讨论的事情。










114 thoughts on “CORONA UNMASKED: Chinese Intelligence Officer Reveals True Magnitude of China’s Fake Coronavirus Crisis – 包含中文字符版本

  1. UFOGUY AND Sir Morningstar – now worries, and all is good – we’re on the sames trails more often that not – LOL!!

    *Best regards,David Pfaff*


    *M:415-996-7577* *San Francisco*

    On Thu, Feb 13, 2020 at 12:36 AM The UFO Spotlight On… wrote:

    > Robert Morningstar posted: ” Chinese Intelligence Officer Reveals True > Magnitude of China’s Coronavirus Crisis By u/Wuhanvirusthrowaway Edited > by 明亮晨星 ******* I am a senior Chinese military intelligence officer and > I know the truth about the coronavirus outbreak.” >

    Liked by 4 people

    1. This story of conspiracy theory is indeed attractive to non-Chinese who do not live in China!

      If I’m not mistaken, this senior Chinese official should be a separatist from Hong Kong, Taiwan, or a “victim paranoid” patient in Europe or the United States.

      But I think it is more likely to come from the United States.


      1. 赵先生






        笔名“ u /武汉病毒被替代”是一位真正的中国爱国者,他及时发现了自己的良心以拯救自己的灵魂,也许他的祖国,可悲的是,笔名“ u /武汉病毒被替代”,如李文良博士,以及记者陈基石和方斌因中国政府的行政行动被捕,失踪或死亡,


        Thank you for your comment, Mr. Zhao.

        As you wrote: -> “If I’m not mistaken, this senior Chinese official should be a separatist from Hong Kong, Taiwan, or a “victim paranoid” patient in Europe or the United States.”

        I would reply:

        Indeed, you are mistaken. True, his senior Chinese official “could” have been a separatist from Hong Kong, or Taiwan, or a “victim paranoid” patient in Europe or the United States, but he was, in fact, none of those false characterizations.

        Pen name “u /武汉病毒被丢弃” was a true Chinese patriot who found his conscience in time to save his soul, and perhaps his country,

        Sadly, Pen name u /武汉病毒被丢弃, like Dr. Li WenLiang, along with journalists Chen QuiShi & Fang Bin, has been arrested, disappeared, or died through executive actions of the Chinese state,

        For more details, click or cut & paste the link below:


        Liked by 1 person

    1. It’s ALL a hoax, it’s ALL fake, they have trillions of dollars worth of drugs to sell (to profit from). I don’t buy this crap at all, actually none of my friends do either. Sure, some people are dying, usually the old and weak and the sick, but it’s NOT from a virus, it’s from the forced vaccines the Chinese were injected with starting Dec 1st 2019 – read up on THAT! As usual, the truth is not what we think it is. This above, this “story” is just a fear mongering strategy, nothing else. They want to FEAR everyone into injecting their poison into their bodies because they want us to ‘think’ that the virus is more deadly than their planned drugs. Nope, not us.

      Liked by 4 people

  2. I’m not surprised or shocked that they accomplished what they set out to do. What does surprise me is that the many lower class, such as myself, haven’t taken up arms, and revolted against these elite that control us like cattle. It’s way overdue. Quit working for them. Remove all money from the bank, and equip yourself and family with as many supplies to look after, and protect yourselves. You will not be helped by your government.

    Liked by 5 people

  3. I am not shocked but disgusted that shortly after watching the long, horrendous video of what is happening in China that they deleted it. They don’t want people knowing the truth for as long as possible. I’m a nurse and my heart goes out to them all and I hurt for them. We are doomed if there are those out there who have no sense of humanity. They treat people in China like dirt, like things. I am disgusted. For all of you who didn’t see the video before they SQUASHED IT……… hold on tight and fasten your seat belts. This planet is in for a ride.

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Thank you for commenting. I have updated the article and added this in closing:

      “Where There’s a Will … There’s a Way”

      Despite YouTube and Google’s attempts to hide the criminal policies of the Chinese Police State from public scrutiny, the people of the world can still see “Corona-unMaskeD” by going to BitChute. 
      See “Corona-unMaskeD”by clicking the link given below:


      尽管YouTube和Google曾试图将中国警察国的刑事政策从公众审查中隐藏起来,但全世界的人们仍然可以通过BitChute看到“ Corona-unMaskeD”。

      通过单击下面给出的链接,请参阅“ Corona-unMaskeD”:


      Liked by 2 people

  4. The story is from a horror story group in Reddit which category as book and writing. Based on group’s rule people can’t question if it is true or false can’t ask for prove. But people repost it as true story, I believe some of them did it unintentionally. But about other? It is a way of disinformation. Target group is the people don’t have much contact with China and don’t know much coronavirus.

    Liked by 2 people

      1. Thank you for your question. You have to read carefully to understand thow the subterfuge of the Chinese government operated. You will recall that the Bat Corona Virus was 100% lethal, and htat in order to cover-up that up, the government designated ALL varients of Corona Virus to be the same infection. By swelling up the number o infected they were mathematically bringing down the mortality rate. It is easy to understand this if I give you a visual image that will explain the paradox.

        Imagine a small circle on a base line. That represents the REAL Bat Coronavirus victims.

        Now imagine a much larger circle touching the same point on the base line.
        The larger circle represents that set of people with Non-Bat Coronavirus flu and cold.

        All the people in the small circle DIED (100%), and the patients who are said to be recovering are the Coronavirus population that had the less virulent strains of Coronavirus, NOT the real Bat Caronavirus that was bioweaponized in the Wuhan BSL-4 Virology Labs by the Chinese Army, under the direction of General Chen Wei, China’s top virologist..

        The large circle was used hide the small inner circle representing the real victims of “The Chinese Vampire Virus,” a term hat I use to distinguish the difference.



      2. You have to read carefully to understand thow the subterfuge of the Chinese government operated.

        You will recall that the Bat Corona Virus was 100% lethal, and that in order to cover-up that up, the government designated ALL variants of Corona Virus to be the same infection.

        By swelling up the number of “infected” they were mathematically bringing down the relative mortality rate.
        It is easy to understand this if I give you a visual image that will explain the paradox.

        Imagine a small circle on a base line at C, below.
        That represents the REAL Bat Coronavirus victims.

        Now imagine a much larger circle touching the same point, tangent on the base line.
        The larger circle represents that set of people with Non-Bat Coronavirus flu and colds.


        All the people in the small circle DIED (100%), and the patients who are recovering are that population that had the less severe strains of Coronavirus, and NOT the real Bat Caronavirus that was bioweaponized in the Wuhan BSL-4 Virology Labs.

        The large circle was used to hide the small inner circle representing the real victims of “The Chinese Vampire Virus,” a term hat I use to distinguish the difference between the strains



      1. So the post is a story , a work of fiction, or maybe written a s a story by someone?…i agree the atrocities…but the fact of some AGENT coming to kill each one on earth and nobody would be spared? what about that?


      2. To call this “a work of fiction” is an insult to Pen Name u /武汉病毒被丢弃, a Chinese hero, whose conscience proved to be stronger and more compelling than Maoist ideology, and one who gave his life to communicate the Truth to the Western World. Like the hero who carrying 2 shopping bags in Tien An Men Square stopped the tanks, both gave their lives in the hope of saving their own country, a “Gangster State,” which has betrayed all of its citizens and the world. -> M*

        称其为“小说作品”是对笔名u /武汉病毒被称为的侮辱。西方世界。就像英雄在天安门广场上背着2个购物袋停下了坦克一样,他们俩都献出了自己的生命,希望拯救自己的国家,一个“黑帮国”,这已经背叛了所有公民和全世界。 -> M *


    1. the story is very plausible, but it falls into fantasy when tells the vial was smashed during the shooting at the market.
      The vial would be very well protected into a secure hard envelope and could not be damaged easily, above all unintentionally !

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Hi, argo,

        Your scenario is a reasonable assumption, but I doubt that if someone/anyone were to try to pass a biological specimen secretly in a “hand-off” to a “buyer,” he would be very unlikely to walk into a public meat market to “make the drop” 9s the slang goes) while openly carrying the type of containment equipment, which you correctly state SHOULD be used in transporting lethal HAZMAT-type materials.

        Such a biomedical (luggage) case itself would openly call so much attention to the “carrier” that he would have no hope of completing the transfer discreetly in a surreptitious manner. Furthermore, if faced with capture by the Chinese police to face a CERTAIN death sentence, the carrier would do anything necessary to escape and the FIRST thing he do is get rid of it. One thing is to be captured by the Chinese security police, another is being captured with HAZMAT contraband on your person while engaged in treason (an instant death sentence in China).

        I believe that the carrier (seller), with police closing in, or being scrutinized by strangers and acting under the great duress of getting caught outright, could easily have panicked (especially if security police guns were drawn and shooting started) and he (or she) would instantly, as we say in America,”try to ditch the stuff” so that it would not be found on his person.

        The whistle-blower uses the term “throw away” in his pseudonym and implying that it was thrown (ditched) rather than simply “dropped.” Either way, the”bug” got out and is now becoming a pestilence around the world. So, let us pray for Mankind.


        Liked by 2 people

    2. “Just to give you one example, there aren’t actually any nuclear weapons anywhere in the world. The U.S. and the Soviet Union scrapped them all in the 1970s, as did their client states. Everyone realised that those weapons could not be used without destroying the whole world, so there was no need for them; but by pretending that they still had them, the big players were able to keep the non-nuclear powers in line.“

      This is a quote from the original Reddit post which was omitted from R. Morningstar’s article.

      This quote completely invalidated this Reddit users “horror story “

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Please post Corona Unmasked video to bit chute, Youtube has already removed it. If you want the truth out there, you need to post everywhere!


      1. Thank you for yor question, Nickip21. Yes, COVID19 can be airborne, but to a limited extent. The virus can be carried by mucous droplets issued in coughs or sneezes. Medical experts in the US & China say that COVID19 can travel at most from 6 to 10 feet after a sneeze. Hence, the warnings issued across the states and given here in New York City, is that we should all stay apart from each other by at least 6 feet around. Direct contact via handshakng, or touching a conntaminated surface on which the virus rests and then touching one’s own face or mouth.



    1. “Just to give you one example, there aren’t actually any nuclear weapons anywhere in the world. The U.S. and the Soviet Union scrapped them all in the 1970s, as did their client states. Everyone realised that those weapons could not be used without destroying the whole world, so there was no need for them; but by pretending that they still had them, the big players were able to keep the non-nuclear powers in line.”

      THIS COMMENT TOTALLY DESTROYS THE “Author’s” credibility..


    1. Thank you for your comment and in affirmation of what I said last Sunday on my radio show, to wit, that there is more than one strain of Corona Virus, and that the Chinese government is trying to hide the fact that the COVID19 spreading through China is a different bio-weaponized strain that they themselves created (and let loose).

      By pretending that ALL Corona virus cases are cause by the identical virus and insinuating and asserting that ALL Corona- induced flu is COVID19 (when they are NOT), the Chinese government has thus been able to skew the real statistics so as to minimize the mortality rate as we say in America -> “By ‘cooking’ the books”. In fact, what is presently here in the West with no connection to Wuhan or China is NOT the same ‘bug” that is infecting China and spreading to Asia. -> M*

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Another critical point of that narrative is the pathogen is made by China. This is exactly what an hypothetical attacker would spread as disinfo to stay hidden.

        Liked by 1 person

  6. Well I hope it is not true, but I will not forget that China is under Communism. And under such rules anything goes. I remember we had Chinese workers (illegal) in our mine. Those people can not speak a single English word. We provided them good meals and meat, but they were still complaining about the food, which to them, were not good. Until a friend of mine (coworker) explained to me that these Chinese were not used to eating fish, pork, beef, chicken and other meat. They want 100% vegetables, because in their home-place the government took away all their meat and replaced it with vegetable. So growing up, they were not used to eating meat but vegetable rations from the government instead. The only meat that they want to eat (during when we were still working together), are dog meats. BTW, those Chinese were from the northern China. Very strong hard alcohol drinkers also.


    1. What’s interesting about this… that you are seeing the same push elsewhere in the world now under the guise of the vegan movement…the states and beyond. How long before they/we all become like China? I could see it happening easily…..


      1. Communist regimes LIE (reflexively) as official policy, then try to cover-up in the hopes of hiding the secret. When it fails, they simply blame low ranking officials and execute them as scapegoats, sacrificing them to protect the leadership. -> M*

        Liked by 1 person

  7. We must pray that a solution can be found and everyone treated, A.S.A.P. for those infected, Our Hearts and Prayers go out to Our Brothers and Sisters infected… Sincerely: Brother Anthony.OSF.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you so very much Mr. R. Morningstar for the efforts and daring step to unveil or give vent to this secret, as it were.

      If the testifier’s story is true, it’s indeed an an unthinkable plight sphere headed by the said Chinese government.

      The news is pathetic and we are sorry for so far, the fallen victims of this satanic onslaught.

      But, I’ve got good news to all and sundry.
      Today, I want to assure all people, the world over, that there’s still hope and just another chance for the world.

      This world will not be utterly destroyed so fast and very dramatically as it’s coming to our ears. Not with the presence of the Church of Jesus Christ in this earth.
      That prophecy and fact will sure happen after the rapture of Church and other events that will unfold.
      Please always remember this, be we ever witness the total destruction of the world and it’s content, there is first the carry away of the Church of Jesus, and other relevant events that will follow.

      Now, this is not a religious cliche, it’s what the Scriptures encapsulated in the Bible, declares.

      Satan, has woefully failed in his shameful demonic project. As the Church of Jesus Christ, we strangulate and neutralize his machinations and evil schemes/agendas against humanity, in all nations of the world.

      My Man of God- Rev. Chris Oyakilome DSc., DD has already made a solemn pronouncement and declaration to this effect. He’s stopped the Influence and spread of the corona virus ( covid-19), and completely destroyed it from it’s root causes with the very anointed words of his mouth.
      The Man of God- pastor Chris, has also affirmed in prayer that the vaccines, the solution and cure for this epidemy be made available to nations of the world by wisdom of God granted men, and so be it, according to the word of the Man of God, in Jesus’ Allconquering Name. Amen!!!

      So, there is no cause for alarm, nor should anyone be afraid of this defeated virus.

      I charge anyone reading my submission with this thought, “the words you believe and receive into you, will make or destroy you”. So, choose life, instead. Speak God’s word that you know from the Bible against this evil, and your words will prevail.

      I also invite you to watch Pastor Chris’s prayer against the said virus on YouTube. Your faith will come up alive and you will just know you’re more than a conqueror.

      If you are reading these words and you are not a born again Christian child of God, I want you to know, God loves you just the way you are. He is not mad at you at all. God sent His only Begotten Son, Jesus Christ ( as it were), over 200yrs back, to come and substitute your place, my place and the place of everyone in the world, and died as a propitiation for our sins. Yes, He took our place of sin, death and condemnation, and He paid the full penalty/price for our offenses ( meeting the demands of Justice). But it didn’t end there, that was just a means to the end, the end result was that, on the third day, God Almighty raised Jesus Christ from the dead for our justification and that now we may become partakers of His life and nature of Righteousness.

      The Bible declares in John 3:16 that, “For God so loved the world ( the world of people, sinners), that He gave His only Begotten Son, that anyone who believes in Jesus, should not perish, but have everlasting life”.

      So all you require now is to Believe ( that is, accept, appreciate, acknowledge and endorse)the good news that Jesus has consummated all these good works on the Cross of Calvary, and He resurrected from the dead that you may now receive His free gift of eternal life. Then, you confess with your mouth that Jesus Christ is your Lord, and you’ll automatically receive Salvation even this moment ( Ref: Romans 10:9-10).

      You can now invite Jesus to be your personal Lord and Saviour and you will sure be separated from those to perish, be it in this present world, or in that which is to come.

      Pls say this prayer of Salvation out loud and mean it with all your heart, and God will hear and answer right away, and just now.
      Say, “O Lord God, I believe in Jesus Christ, Son of the Living God,
      I believe, that Jesus died for the remission of my sins,
      I believe, that God raised Jesus Christ from the dead for my justification,
      I say with my mouth, that Jesus Christ is my Lord from this day, to all eternity,
      Thank You Father, for saving my soul,
      I am born again, am a child of God.
      I am a new creation. Hallelujah!!!

      If you have just said this prayer, congratulations!
      You are now a child of God, and you are a part of God’s beloved Family.
      You DO NOT DIE, cause you now possess our Heavenly Father’s ( God’s)very life, nature and character in you.

      To receive more information on how you can grow as a Christian, please get in touch with us on the contacts below:

      Tel: +1 (0) 980 219 5150

      Tel: 1 647-341-9091;
      Tel/Fax: +1-416-746 5080

      Tel: +44 (0)1708 556 604

      Tel: +27 11 326 0971
      +27 62 068 2821

      Tel: +234-703-000-0927


      Liked by 1 person

      1. Dear Moses Victor Sambou,

        Thank you for your kind and generous words, for sharing your blessings, and the beautiful parayer of affirmation. I shall share your beautiful message with others on this site, and pray tha Christ saves Africa and her people from the wiles and wrath of the merciless Koranic Beast that stalks the deserts and savanahs.

        And I pray expecially for Nigeria and South Africa, may they be spared from Islam and the ploys of Chinese Communism, which as I see as the “Hand of Lucifer” on Earth on today. The Chinese Communist leaders have surrendered their souls to an alien entelchy called A.I. (Artificial Intelligence).,w which is the essence of an Evil that I call Lucifer , defined as “Intelligence without Love.”

        That is the real Evil that confronts mankind, an intellgence that reduces human lives simply down to numbers and labels, as products or resources to be exploited for the perpetuation of the Communist power structure whose goal is to enslave all Humankind.

        God bless you, … I praise your work. And I pray for your success.
        Only Christ can save Africa and all Africans from “The Red Devil,”
        and defend you from Pazuzu’s Pan-African Muslim terrorists
        and Lucifer’s Red Chinese minions of inhuman malefactors.

        Warm regards,

        Robert M*


      2. Dear Mr. Moses Victor Sambou:

        I thank you for your kind and generous words.
        I support your cause and I praise your work.

        I believe that Chinese Communism is the embodiment of Lucifer on Earth today…
        The Chinese leadeship has sold its soul to serve an alien entelechy, namely, “A.I.”

        An anti-human form of Artificial Intelligence has taken shape, one which rules China with an “Iron Fist” and drives China toward perdition today. Xi Jing Ping and his minions are merely puppets and computer maintenance men, subservient to an ungodly force that has tansformed ery chinese citizen into aan selectronic slave.

        May God help and protect you and your loved ones in your endeavor to save Africa
        from Communism. The satanic armies of Chinese Communism have assigned agents to subvert and dominate the African Continent before they depopulate Africa for a “Chinese “Breakout” to come between 2030 and 2050.

        All mainland “Chinese businessmen” in Africa today are Chinese army officers acting as “front men” for Chiniese military corporations that sponsor, fund and direct said Chinese-fronted businesses all across African as well as, South and Central America.

        They are presently exploiting African tribalism and Islamic fundamentalist theology to eradicate Christianity, subdue Africa, by exterminating Christians first and ALL Africans later by using biological warfare to conduct a pan-African Genocide, and murder such as the world has never seen.

        May Christ protect you, your loved ones and ALL African peoples from the “Red Menace” that you face in Communist Chinese domination and exploitation of Africa and Africans.

        However, I urge your to keep your faith alive and thriving as …

        Peace will come, but not through faint hearts.

        Warm regards,

        Robert M*


  8. After reading this article i did some research. A lot, but not everything, can be confirmed from other sources. Especially after the actions of some governments in recent days. But I wonder how one vial of the Agent could have caused so many deaths. It had to be like a 100% concentrate. From other sources I know that the crematoria in Huoshenshan burn 100 bodies a day 24/7.
    Greetings from a lonely island without this shit.

    Liked by 2 people

  9. Interesting story, but infected people in UE arnt dying the same way as described here, and death rate isnt 100% for sure.


    1. Thank you, PB, for commenting. UE lucky to have better treatment and far fewer cases than Wuhan. Good luck to your country in stopping the spread of COVID19. There is a Chinese ruse going on, intentionally confusing ordinary Coronairuses, which cause most colds (and flu) with the COVIDI19 spreading therough China. They are not the same, but by including ALL Coronaviruus cases they are able to rig the statstics to lower the mortality rate sgnificantly. That’s why I distinguih COVID19 and dubbed it “The Chinese Vampire Virus” since they devrived it and deveolped it from specimens from the Horsheshoe Bat.



      1. Not sure how to comment this .. Thank you for sharing the Truth .. This was 1 thing that had also baffled me , but i now honestly believe that they managed to insinerate alll that were afflicted with the 1st Bioweapon .. Im thinking however , perhaps that they DID miss 1 , please see this link , ( copy / pasting for accuracy )
        ” Dishant Shah added a new photo to the album: Dr. Shah Teaching Files.
        March 31 at 6:23 PM ·
        First published case of intracranial central nervous system manifestation of COVID-19. Female airline worker in her fifties with COVID-19-associated Acute Hemorrhagic Necrotizing Encephalopathy #COVID19 #CNS #neurorad
        This would be more in tune with what the officer is describing here .. Thanks , i hope this helps
        If links dont work , heres direct link to facebook page ..I dont believe this Dr has any idea of this ..


      2. Hello, Patty,

        Thank you very much for this information. I will investigate it further.

        Here is an interview that will explain some some strange and intersting things regarding the COVID19 Cover-up.

        The Lundon Reel Interview with Andrew Kaufaman.

        Have you seen this Newsweek Headline?


        Thanks for sharing.

        Warm regards,

        Robert M*


      3. Im not sure if its ok to comment here , but if not i hope that its forgiveable . thank you for the link re: Fauci , yes ive been researching somewhat .. There is a lady named Judy Mikovits , you tube keeps deleting her videos . that has quite a story to tell about Fauci She wrote a book , you might want to look it up . heres a link to her most recent you tube video . its brief & barely touches the subject , but might give you some idea . I wish they had not deleted the old 1 .. It seems Dr Fauci has quite an interest in many of the bioresearch & much to do with the AIDS HIV research & has a patent .. ho[pefully that link will workl , but if not , its well worth the time to find her posts thru social media , she is doing all she can to get her story thru .. Whistleblower , big time .. well this you tube video in the following link will explain more about Fauci as well here is a link to view the Vaccines or Research that Fauci has had his hands in , there is also a video on you tube , right after the one that tells about how he manipulated the world with HIV & held the patent for the drug AZT .. something about GP120 , but if you watch the video right after that , just watch all the way thru , theres quite a bit of very interesting information there , i did research much of what they speak of & i think they really may know what they are talking about .. Heres a link to that BTW the whole medical team on presidents team are dirty . Redfield , Burkes & Fauci ..I also found links to a patent , i think was thru pirbright heres a link on coronavirus patent as well the last video , these 2 guys are trying to prove / has proof about alot of bio research ok .. well enjoy .. thanks for the link , i will look it up now


    2. So basically speaking you suggest Wuhan coronavirus is totally different. Even if that would be the case the whole coronavirus story is already old, and given how fast viruses can spread these days I would expect half of the world already dead (at least Asia continent).

      Also there are few details I want to point out. It’s hard to believe someone would carry such deadly virus in glass container. I have asked my sister specifically about this (because she work in that field) and she told me entire story sounds totally unrealistic to her. Also this Chinese Intelligence Officer wants to protect his identity and yet he reveals important details later on?

      I’m not saying this whole story must be fake, because in real life every scenario is possible but from my perspective it really looks like a SciFi film story or something. Until people in my country will start dying in similar way described here I’m not scared :).

      Liked by 2 people

  10. Hi, PB …
    Thanks for yur commnt…

    I answered your friend’s questions earlier, in my reply to Argo, cited above and copied blelow.

    Hi, argo,

    Your scenario is a reasonable assumption, but I doubt that if someone/anyone were to try to pass a biological specimen secretly in a “hand-off” to a “buyer,” he would be very unlikely to walk into a public meat market to “make the drop” 9s the slang goes) while openly carrying the type of containment equipment, which you correctly state SHOULD be used in transporting lethal HAZMAT-type materials.

    Such a biomedical (luggage) case itself would openly call so much attention to the “carrier” that he would have no hope of completing the transfer discreetly in a surreptitious manner. Furthermore, if faced with capture by the Chinese police to face a CERTAIN death sentence, the carrier would do anything necessary to escape and the FIRST thing he do is get rid of it. One thing is to be captured by the Chinese security police, another is being captured with HAZMAT contraband on your person while engaged in treason (an instant death sentence in China).

    I believe that the carrier (seller), with police closing in, or being scrutinized by strangers and acting under the great duress of getting caught outright, could easily have panicked (especially if security police guns were drawn and shooting started) and he (or she) would instantly, as we say in America,”try to ditch the stuff” so that it would not be found on his person.

    The whistle-blower uses the term “throw away” in his pseudonym and implying that it was thrown (ditched) rather than simply “dropped.” Either way, the”bug” got out and is now becoming a pestilence around the world. So, let us pray for Mankind.



  11. Many People on Earth (bad people) will do Anything for the Money and Power,, that is why corona virus happened,,, now here in Philippines corona virus cases rise from 6 to 10,, in a day,,the government announced to stop all school events,, some city ordered no school classes,, and today i watch television,, a noontime program has no live audiences,, i just hope the virus will die or stop because of the hot climate here now,, (just like what i read that the virus will stop or easily die if the weather is hot) i hope,,,


  12. This appears in most part, like a fantasy story. However, one disturbing fact is that in early days (late Jan to mid Feb) the type of visual that were coming out from China showed disturbing videos of people falling to death without any alarm or sign of distress and police and contagious disease management people dragging the infected out of their homes, forcefully. But then it suddenly stopped (typical China censorship). Another issue is that when the count of infected and dead people started going up exponentially, China announced that it is changing the way the definition of infected, which resulted in drastic drop in infection count. These do not give the comfort on what is being projected in official channels. There appears to be some virulent form of viral attack happening in Wuhan but the world is blinded of the facts. With China, even fantasy and conspiracy stories appear to be legit.


    1. Hello, Dinkan,
      Thank you for your message.

      I’m registering a script of “CM” with ESWG and negotiating proposals with other independent film makers right now…
      I would be happy to discuss this with you via email.
      You can contact me at ->

      What is your film company called and where are your production facilities located?
      Warm regards,



  13. Dear Mr Robert,

    How can you assure us that the stated scenario is true?
    I have also heard that the virus was made by the U.S.
    And of course those country’s as China and Iran is affected because they don’t listen to the Government of the USA.

    I won’t be suprised if this virus was made up by the USA. Even Bill Gates stated that there will be such events and something about depopulating.

    And, is it really true that no one can cure from this?

    I really hope you can answer my questions.
    Thanks for the effort.

    Stay safe, God bless.

    Also see this link here below. Apparently, there was a simulation months ago!! Also under guidance off Bill gates foundation.

    And this one:



  14. I appreciate your creativity but do you realise how this article can affect people. If this is true then why not contact the right officials and make sure it reaches the right people. If this is fake then I really feel sorry as in such dark times somebody wants to add to the misery by writing such articles. You talk about conscience in the article please stand true to that and make some conscious effort either to prove it, spread it in a legit way or just say it is your creative work. There are people who would appreciate that as well. But please for God sake tell the truth. I really request you to help the readers of this article to make some sense out of this. Thank you


    1. Thank you for your comment. Last Friday, after the spokeman for the chinese Foreign Ministry, LiJian Zhao , accused the US Army of planting the virus n Wuhan, I notified President Trump, the BP, the Departmment of the army, DOD, Senate Mitch McConnel, Senator Tom Cotton, the Senate GOP, Department of tste and the Chief of Naval Operations.

      Why do you think President Trump is calling it “The Chinese Virus” so assertively and vociferously this week? I dubbed the Chinese Bioweaponized COVID19 as “The Chinese Vampire Virus” because they extracteed it and weaponized it from Horshoe Bat Coronavirus gene pools that they dscovd in 207 and since then have been using PCR (polymerase chain reaction) to mass produce vilials of their vile concoction.

      President Trump was tactful enough to leave out the word ->”Vampire.”
      Rest assured, the President knows well the true origins of COVID19.


      Liked by 2 people

    1. Yes, but their strategy has failed. While they are postponing the Hong Kong revolt, they have wrecked their economuy and their social structure. I can foresee see the end of the Maoist regime Thank you for your comment.



    1. Thanks for your wry comment … 🙂 I am still alive because I am protected by spirituual forces more powerful than political ones. I am shielded by what ancient Taoists called “Golden Bell Cover” and “The Powers of Heaven.” As an American, and a modern day Taoist, I call it “Being under the protection of Divine Providence.” More simply stated: “God is my Co-Pilot … And my Navigator.” And so, “I fear not,” just as the Angel advises whenever He comes. -> M*


    1. Thanks for your comment, but I can see that you read the title, but did not read (or understand) the main point of the article.

      The “fake part” is to be found the Chinese governemnt’s bogus “cover story,” which is a ploy by which they were able to lower the real mortality rate of the “Chinese Vampire Virus” (nCVOVID19) by labeliing every single cold, flu runny nose and sneeze as a case of COVID19.

      By Expanding the number of infected in the population in that statistically dishonest way, the mortality rate of the real COVID19 was minimize, and the “good news” that 80% of victims are recovering is alslo fake statistics because the wone who are gettting well are from the expanded population, victims of “Old Coronvirus” and influenze, not the truly COVID19 infected population.

      Pleae read it again, and you see what I mean.

      Best regards,



    1. Danke für deinen Kommentar. Die chinesische Regierung ist in eine globale Vertuschung verwickelt, um ihre Verbrechen gegen die Menschlichkeit zu verbergen. Das Recht, das für die kommunistische Führung Chinas kommt, wird in Kürze mit einem Geld wie dem der Berliner Mauer fallen. -> M *


    2. Danke für deinen Kommentar. Die chinesische Regierung ist in eine globale Vertuschung verwickelt, um ihre Verbrechen gegen die Menschlichkeit zu verbergen. Das Recht, das für die kommunistische Führung Chinas kommt, wird in Kürze mit einem lauten Absturz wie dem der Berliner Mauer fallen. -> M *


      1. Hello, Sanjay,

        Thank you for your kind words. Please share this with your friends. My article reached more than 4.5 million views on March 31st, but since then, WordPress has removed thousands and thousands of views, shaving them off on a daily basis, and yesterday, they removed 1,3 million previously registered views,

        The Chinese must be mortified by the revelations in this article. They forget that even though they may erase the statistic, the person that it represented and the readership cannot been erased, nor can they erase knowledge and understanding of those people of what PenName U has already revealed to the world.

        The Chinese can no more put this genie back into the bottle than they could recover the virus that they have looses upon the world.



  15. Pretty component of content. I simply stumbled upon your website and in accession capital to claim that I get
    in fact enjoyed account your blog posts. Any way I will be subscribing in your feeds and even I achievement you get right of entry to persistently quickly.


  16. i agree , just watched about Fauci .. Its finally snapping into place , this would explain this you tube video . This lady is bewildered .. They are just .. i cant even describe , please see this video . if you know anyone to send it to that can help , it would be a gift to humankind ..ive researched many of the stories & we are sensored badly . facebook / google / you tube . many of my facebook posts are fact checked . i have posted links to bill gates patents too . big pharma grabbed the olpporgtunity , follow the patents .. we are in serious trouble if they arent stop ped. the ” virus ” they have made has something to do with HIV . Thank you for sharing the truth


    1. Thank you for your comment. We have found evidence that Baracck Obama and Dr. Fauci funded the gain of function research on Coronairus in Wuhan after it was criminalized in the USA. Much more informatio to come… Stay tuned.
      -> M*

      Liked by 1 person

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